Every entity must start the year’s work in high style. This philosophy was taken at value by the International Transport Insurance Club (Cist) in promoting its first workshop of 2020. Radisson Paulista Hotel brought together, in São Paulo, sector professionals and specialists that watched two panels, whose themes served as reflection for the players decision making.
The first panel had the theme “New Times, New Clients: The New Insurance Consumer – Challenges that Sprout From This New Transport Insurance Market Conjuncture”, under conduction by the Business &Innovation director of MJV Technology and Innovation, Anna Carolina Maccarone. According to her, the world today is immersed in a scenario of uncertainties, complex, around a gigantic network connection.
The behavior of the insurance consumer, for instance, facing this panorama, makes all the difference. And the control over such behavior is a illusion, according to Carolina. “It’s impossible to control people and situations in a complex world. Only will survive those who can adapt and evolve in an organizational environment”, highlighted. The director of MJV suggested to the companies that they listen the consumer about the use of platforms and apps in their procedures. The digital transformation is a reality in times of the 4.0 industry (artificial intelligence, big data, internet of things, among others). And the new clients promote a “cultural shock”. The executive alerts: “The main stakeholder is the cliente and it will be necessary to sit at the table with him”.
Números do mercado
The second panel was presented by Valdo Alves, Tokio Marine Seguradora’s Marine director, who conducted the panel “Broad View of the Transportation Insurance Market and its Trends – Latin America and Worldwide”. Alves listed aspects that compose the reinsurance Market worldwide: catastrophes, climate issues, the issue of the coronavirus, slowdown of the global market x cargo handling and participation of the transportation activity in the global reinsurance market.
In a global view, the estimated premium for 2018 in the marine sector circles around US$ 28.9 billion. There was a growth of 1% over 2017. From the total of premiums, 57.04% comprise cargo, marine liability, offshore/energy. The European continent answers for 46.4% of this volume, followed by the Asia/Pacific region with 30.7%. “Brazil is the main insurance market in Latin America, with the emission of R$ 3.5 billion in premiums last year”, he highlighted.
Valdo Alves, however, had a caveat about the segment. “We need to change the transportation logistics”, he advocated. Naturally, the executive was referring to the use of trucks on the moving of goods and merchandise. The heavy vehicles are responsible for 67.7% of all modals. “The cost is high and the possibility of severities is very high”, he warned. One of the challenges for the authorities is promoting the deconcentration of this modal to another transportation means. To conclude, Alves pointed some characteristics of the Brazilian market and its trends, beginning in 2020. They are the impulse to the industrial production and the growth of the domestic consumption, adoption of 4.0 logistics (ultraconnected logistics that serves the requirements of velocity, efficiency gain, cost reduction and information availability), e-commerce, changes in the regulatory environment, environmental phenomena, among others.
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