27 Sep

Since its foundation, RCG has been considered the best company on risk and management analysis in the market. Services provided to various industry segments

In the face of the pandemic period that we are living in, it is inevitable that adaptations will occur, on the part of the entire population and, mainly, by business organizations. The effort to maintain routines, focus and organization at work ended up being much greater than at the time of the pre-coronavirus. In view of challenges faced, RCG stands out for being one of the companies that had a good adaptation to the new models, as it managed to generate opportunities in a period as turbulent as the one we live in.
RCG is a multinational company known as a model of excellence in risk analysis, loss control and risk management programs implantation. Services provided worldwide to various industry segments, being a reference in strategic assistance and essential support so that the served organizations can understand the impact of the threats that are exposed, always assessing the vulnerabilities of their operations. After 50
After fifty years of constitution, RCG continues to seek business expansion, improve quality of services to customers and attract an even greater audience.
“Celebrating the 50th anniversary of a company that has as core activity the daily deal with different risks variants is a great achievement, especially at such a challenging time for many businesses. According to our philosophy, threats are a natural elements that is part of the business model of all organizations. However, knowing how to foresee, treat and reverse them requires experience, tradition and technical rigor”, emphasizes Jorge Luzzi, RCG Global CEO. “ Let’s celebrate the moment and create opportunities that can be transformed into competitive advantages. Thanks to our successful trajectory, we have made great strides in our mission to expand services and attend the new demands that arise in the market”, he adds.
Among the gendered benefits by the brand to customers, we highlight the reduction of property losses, the adequacy of insurance costs, the optimization of investments in security, the reduction or risks deletion that may result in losses resulting from labor lawsuits, fines or indemnities, market differentiation, among others. Thus, customers can feel safe and have the possibility to count not only with one, but with several existing options offered by RCG to guarantee their satisfaction.

From Herco to RCG

Initially founded as Herco, in 1971, in the city of Blumenau (Santa Catarina), the organization was a pioneer in the segment in Brazil, with the purpose of meeting specific demands of one of the largest companies in the textile industry. At the time, the challenge was to completely restructure the engineering department that was assigned to develop and control the risk management program. From this event, Herco started to stand out for presenting a high technical rigor, having operational precision, technological sophistication and creativity to improve the management of corporate risks.
After consolidation in 1994, Herco began to focus on improving and technical specialization in the process of analyzing operational and industrial risks, in addition to acting in the interface with other industry segments and the insurance market. At the time, in addition to customers in the textile segment, the company served renowned brands from different market segments, such as oil and gas, steel, power generation and distribution, telecommunications, consumer goods, among others.
From 1996, Herco started to use even more technological tools and mathematical modeling to carry out risk analysis studies with consequences measurement. The company became a pioneer in the PHAST acquisition, one of the most vigorous software in the market in quantitative risk analysis.
In the early 2000s, Herco Portugal was created and later joined Herco Brasil. In Portugal, a new line of business emerged that included the incorporation of services aimed at the risks of labor accidents. At the same time, in order to respond to the company’s desire to expand activities to serve different market segments, the Logistics and Transportation Risk Management department was created, aimed at controlling strategic risks. From 2013, the company started its expansion: opened offices in Europe, Africa and North America and, currently, present in Blumenau, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and in cities as different as Lisbon, Porto, Dallas , Mexico City, Luanda (Angola) and Valeta (Malta).
In 2018, Herco came to be called RCG Powered by Herco. The acronym is an abbreviation for Risk Consulting Group, and the change was made with the objective of further expanding the company’s visibility and conquering new markets, putting the brand in evidence and highlighting it as the best option within the segment in which it operates. “This was an important move for the company consolidation within the five continents. Our nature of risk consulting has been maintained, as well as the expertise and efficiency we have gained. The repositioning linked to the name RCG Powered by Herco reaffirms our internationalization and tends to attract potential customers in other markets”, comments Luzzi.

Services highlights

RCG operates with several services worldwide, to help companies map, manage and mitigate risks. With an extremely qualified technical team made up of occupational safety engineers, chemists, civilians, electricians, mechanics and logistics and transportation specialists, the organization is able to measure the risks of operations that will be carried out anywhere in the world and, therefore, increase the security of the investments made, optimizing the risk reduction of property losses and also the business continuity.
Divided into five pillars, the services offered by RCG are as follows:
Strategic Risk Management (SRM); Operational Risk Management (ORM); Strategic Risk Financing (SRF) and Feasibility and Implementation Studies for a Captive Insurance Company.
In the area of ​​Enterprise Risk Management: Operational Risk Management; Environmental Risk Management; Technologic solutions; Business Impact Analysis (BIA); Risk analysis; Preliminary Hazard Analysis (APP); Hazard and Operationality Analysis (HAZOP); Study of classification of areas and inspection of “Ex” equipment; Mathematical Modeling Studies to value the effects of fire, explosion and dispersion of hazardous gases; Emergency response plan and Crisis Management; Compliance Audit and Adequacy of Regulatory Norms (NRs); Implementation of Occupational Risk Management (GRO); Health and Safety Management, Planning and Auditing at Maintenance Stops; Training and Shaping of Multipliers, among others.
In terms of Transportation Risk Management: Transportation Risk Management Program (PGR); Diagnosis of analysis and failure identification in logistics (theft, accidents, damage to goods); Assessment of compliance with Risk Management plans; Risk inspection and loss control during cargo transportation and storage; Evaluation and implementation of property security processes; Services for Corporate Insurance.
Services for Insurers and Brokers: insurance risks inspection; Technical Presentations – Road Show; Technical calculation of DMP (Maximum Probable Damage); PMP (Maximum Possible Loss) and PNE (Normal Expected Loss) and Underwriting Information.
As much as RCG already offers a range of services, the brand is always looking for innovation and keeps its eye on constant market innovations in order to develop management programs structured specifically for each client. “RCG has a portfolio of solutions that can serve any company in any location on the planet with efficiency, proximity, solidity and confidence. It is a consultancy designed to add up, thinking about strategies and solutions that protect assets, reputations and people”, concludes Jorge Luzzi.

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