20 Sep

Two themes marked the 10th Marsh / JLT Oil & Gas Seminar, a traditional event that discusses issues related to strategic areas. The development of the natural gas market in Brazil and the importance of promoting the production of oil in land-based fields mobilized the attention of businessmen and specialists of the segment at the “Museu do Amanhã” (Tomorrow Museum) in Rio de Janeiro.

Research by the Energy Research Company (EPE) estimates that it will double natural gas production by 2030. But for the institution’s technical consultant, Regina Freitas Fernandes, joint action is required to reach the 268 million cubic meters of gas per day at the end of this period. “The gas market needs to be developed not only by the government, but by everyone in the industry,” he added.

The manager of O & G and Naval of Firjan / ONIP, Karine Fragoso, highlighted the importance of the gas market for energy. “We need the gas and we want to move forward with the production of oil, fundamental also for the growth of the land fields.”

The gas market in the country deserves a more consistent debate, proposes the leader of the Carpenter Marsh Fac Re, Adriano Oka, pointing out as a challenge the process of disposal, as a way to attract new investments.

According to EPE, Brazilian oil production may reach 5 million barrels per day in 11 years. More optimistic is the director general of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), Décio Oddone: by 2030 the country can produce 7.5 million barrels daily. In fact, for the director of IRB Brasil RE, Isabel Solano, the insurance and reinsurance market in the area is promising. “I believe we will close 2019 with R$ 500 million in ceded premiuns. The figure is lower than the R$ 700 million of last year, but it is double in relation to 2017. We return to the level of 2014, “she explained.

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