20 Sep

By: Priscila Palacio

Overall technology market view executive, José Prado (photo) is the founder of Conexão Fintech, CEO and co-founder of Insurtech Brasil, whose mission is to develop the ecosystem of insurtechs. Prado granted interview to Insurance Corp. He analyzes the scenario of the startups and contribution to the market development in the country and reveals preparations’some details for the next edition of Insurtech Brazil.

Insurance Corp – How do you evaluate the performance of the startups and “insurtechs” sector in the country?

José Prado – The process is still in the beginning, but has been growing. Each year, insurtechs are able to take up space in the economy and are already attracting attention and attracting large international funds. According to the mapping done by the Fintech Connection in May, there were 86 startups. A year ago, there were 57. By 2020, they should grow even more, as there are many opportunities, especially for solutions that help in the efficiency and optimization of internal processes in insurance companies and brokerages. Today, most solutions are focused on insurance sales, contrary to what we see in more mature ecosystems like the American.

IC – How can startups contribute to disseminating insurance culture in the country?

JP – The worldwide market has been struggling to be better understood by consumers. That is the problem, for it is he who must understand the consumer himself. Today’s move has given rise to insurtechs and fintechs, which began in 2010 after the American crisis of 2008, and united consumers’ need for cheaper solutions during the crisis, with the need to undertake for many who were without jobs. Following the growth of the mobile, companies saw the opportunity to develop solutions that solve a problem or improve the user’s pain. The market, for a long time, tries to teach users how to use their products. Now the startups / insurtechs arrive to make products that users need, understanding their needs.

IC – What should companies do to expand the market, using technology as an ally?

JP – We need to open the insurance industry in Brazil. As someone who came from outside this market, I see it as a much closed sector. We must strive to expand the culture of insurance to the most diverse sectors. In 2019 Insurtech Brasil, we show that when we talk about “insurtech”, we are not referring only to the insurance industry, but to any solution and startups that can use insurance. We have brought retailers, banks and the most diverse segments to explore how they can use insurance and offer a better solution to customers. I like examples such as “QuintoAndar”, startup rental real estate that already includes the coverage to the lessor and the electric scooters of Grow (Grin and Yellow) that have covers for personal damages to those who use HDI and Sompo respectively.

IC – What are the next trends in innovation for the sector?

JP -Many lessons can be drawn from this movement brought by insurtechs, but the main thing is to look at the user. The executive has distanced himself a lot from his client. The world’s biggest startups have created solutions for which users were not well served or were dissatisfied, from the banking industry to the transportation industry. In this sense, the insurance market, especially the health sector, is opening a great opportunity for entrepreneurs. The user can be the organization itself (an area that makes internal product for another) or between companies (a company that makes solutions to another) and not append to the final customer. Other important points of innovation for companies to understand are collaboration – involvement of all in the process – less hierarchical organizations and freedom to try and make mistakes within companies.

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