19 Sep

Two large companies consolidated a strategic alliance. The Sky Hall Terrace Bar in São Paulo hosted the celebration of the partnership between Essor Seguros and ASAS Consulting, signed last April. Essor and ASAS will operate in the area of differentiated aeronautical insurance. Executives from the two companies, brokers, industry professionals and guests honored the event. The partnership will allow the creation of products tailored for agricultural, experimental and small and medium-sized aircraft, as well as aerial taxis.

“We will develop a work that involves contacts with brokers, underwriting of risk, pricing and regulation,” said ASAS CEO Marcelo Assumpção. He also said his job is to offer smart actions to the company, which specializes in the so-called declinable risks. “Today we have a limit of R $ 80 million to work with this business,” said Assumpção.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Essor, Fábio Pinho, has no doubt that the joint effort will be successful. “We are looking for partnerships that make a difference. The success will be indisputable, “he said. The executive revealed that the company seeks partners who bring expertise in an extremely commercial market.

In Pinho’s view, insurers forget the technical side because “they are much more concerned with selling than looking at the risks and serving the customer well.” According to him the joint work will bring important improvements regarding the operational quality of the reinsurance market in the aeronautical and RD sectors (diverse risks). At the end of the event, the president of Essor handed Assumpção a plaque of the partnership. “We will take off for new conquests,” Pinho said. (CAP)

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