06 May

Since his youth he has always strived to stand out on every professional position he held. Rodrigo Protasio worked as an insurance and reinsurance broker for the last three decades and his commitment has brought valuable contributions to the Brazilian market, becoming an admired leadership by his market peers. Currently he leads Orypaba Consultoria e Fundo de Investimentos (Consulting and Investment Fund), as Senior Consultant.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from PUC of Rio de Janeiro, a degree in Economics and Administration from Universidade Cândido Mendes, and also has a master’s in insurance by Escola de Negócios – IAG of PUC-Rio.

Rodrigo Protasio was honored at the 2018 Insurance Corp Awards – Melhores do Resseguro, as “2018 Best Reinsurance Broker”, period that he was JLT Re Brazil’s CEO, a company he participated since its beginning. “This award came at a very interesting time, in which I reflect on my 30 years acting in the market as a broker. Now I look forward and I think about how to contribute using my experience to the business of insurers and reinsurers”, commented to the reporter of Insurance Corp”.

Former CEO of JLT Re and having equity interest in other companies, he left the group with a non-compete term that will last 24 months. Although he cannot act as a broker, he can use his expertise to the industry development. Rodrigo founded, in 1989, the brokerage house that originated JLT, one of the five largest reinsurance and insurance companies in Brazil.

It is possible that during these 24 months, he works as business consultant in several areas and come back to teach. Rodrigo Protasio began his career as a broker, then technical manager and director. In 1993 he assumed the vice-presidency of Orypaba Corretora de Resseguros, specialized in risk management and benefits solution, and six years later the presidency of the company, at that time already acting as JLT’s representative, here in Brazil.

In 2011, he became the deputy chairman of JLT Brasil Holdings. “I have worked with reinsurance in the last 20 years, since the foundation of Orypaba, and I am very happy to my contribution during this time to the formation of several professionals,” emphasizes Rodrigo. Today, several professionals prepared by him are responding positively to the needs of the market, and many holding leadership positions in their companies.

As Orypaba’s consultant, he aims to help insurers and reinsurers to identify new alternatives for products, solutions and innovation, as well as guiding their investments. He emphasizes that the market is large and has a lot to grow due to a range of opportunities. “There are many areas to be developed, such as environmental and cyber insurance, civil liability, E&O, among others, including the improvement of the economy,” says Rodrigo. For him, especially the reinsurance market has enormous potential for expansion and can even double the size in the coming years.

Strong leadership

By the time of JLT, Rodrigo had strong business leadership gained by his technical experience as a qualified sales manager. He has always been bold in his posture, prepared for the challenges that have arisen in his career. His goal has always been to stay ahead of competitors, maintaining smoothness in relationships and ethical behavior. As result JLT is a company that created value over time, consolidating its position as the best brokerage firm in Latin America.

Some of the most important names in the financial arena recognize Rodrigo’s expertise. Foreign trade analyst, Elisabeth Spanjer, is an example. She defines him as a man of “insightful intelligence, highly skilled to handle with his clients, being practically unbeatable when it comes to customer negotiations. His performance is unique and always get the best results”.

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