The traditional insurance market is in a moment of changes, ruled not only by the new economic and regulatory questions that directly impact products and coverages, but also by all the digital transformation that generate new demands, consumption habits and, specially, a significant change of behavior of users, their needs and priorities. In all this context, we pose the questions: Which are the expected advances in offering and/or distribution of insurance?
The business models based on digital platforms advance in all segments and reached our sector through the insurtechs, startups that join the insurance market to the benefits of technology, based on various resources thar radically transform our professional routine. That way, our services, forms of customer service, sales and client relationship need to follow this movement and all the speed that permeates it. The future is under construction in the present and to keep having relevance tomorrow, we need to improve today.
The insurance universe is ruled by the consumer and to meet this new demand we need a different approach. The traditional insurance brokers have already started this enterprise in digital transformation to face the movement started by the insurtechs. We are crossing a process of constructing the new consumer, that will result in the need of a new professional always open to reinvent and improve himself. The broker of the future need to develop the ability to identify the real needs of the client and his investment possibilities to, based on them, act as a risk consultant.
Today and the tomorrow reserve ever less space to a salesman of a specific product, that only operate in a determined field. The focus leaves the product and turns completely to the person. In matter of offering an ample advisory and strategic investment management, we need people specialists, acting in an individualized and ever more professional way.
Beyond that, it’s important to have in mind that people have different needs through life. Understanding the client and the phase he’s passing through, his real demands an peculiarities, is a task of the broker’s nature. To help them in this new journey, the insurance companies can provide accessories to perform the consultancy in an assertive way. The change is more pronounced among the larger companies, with capacity of investment in processes and tools, while de smaller firms are still seeking their positioning in this new universe. The technology emerged to facilitate the broker’s sale process, making him able to approach, diagnose and follow the needs of the clients.
The Bradesco Seguros Group prioritizes the offering of products aligned to the needs of the modern consumer and understands and values the protagonism of the broker in assess and share relevant information to the development of this portfolio. That means, beyond assuming a protagonist role in the relationship with the client, he’s ever more operating as a “consultant”, which makes him indispensable in our sale and client loyalty process.
Besides that, the broker has a fundamental role in increasing the sale of product still poorly explored. For example, life insurance: little widespread in Brazil, it reaches only 2.3% of the GDP. Currently, only 20% of the brazilian population has some kind of product from the segment, which indicates an enormous potential for growth, even more in comparison with more mature markets. It is recognizably an offer product, which means that the professional can perform a fundamentally important role to disseminate their coverages and benefits and, consequentially, increase the participation of the product in their portfolios, by way of promoting the protection and financial planning culture.
With the mission of protecting people, their families and assets, we develop products that will involve our customers in all these scopes and we cherish the development and recognition of those professionals that are ready to make the bridge between what’s available in the market’s ample portfolio and what the consumer needs in his day-to-day. We recognize the value of the broker of the future and are ready to expand this partnership so important to the market and the brazilian population.
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