06 Feb

Promoted by the Confederation of Insurers (CNseg), the 5th Celebration of the Day of the Ombudsman and International Consumer Day, brought together industry leaders to assess advances and challenges of the consumption relationship. The meeting was attended by Márcio Coriolano, president of CNseg, Solange Beatriz Palheiro Mendes, director of Consumer Relations and Communication of CNseg, Luciano Benetti Timm, National Secretary of Consumer Protection (Senacon), Simone Sanches Freira, supervisory director of the National Agency of Supplementary Health (ANS), in addition to leaderships, insurance ombudsmen, representatives of the Federal Government, Procons, market supervision and supplementary health authorities.

Márcio Coriolano recalled the actions of the Insurance Education Program promoted by the entity, with contents that result in the knowledge of fundamentals and products to improve consumer choice. “With qualified and structured information, everyone wins,” he said. Solange Beatriz, highlighted the role of the ombudspersons in giving voice to the insured and effectiveness to actions of protection to the consumer. “We have launched the Booklet of Assistance for the Insurance Education Program and since 2015 we have held the Consumer Insurance Protection Colloquia for Brazil,” he said.

“It’s a time to” misjudge “without precarious rights,” said Lucianno Timm. According to him, the judicialization generates extraordinary expenses. The secretary emphasized that access to the fair legal system comprises more than just access to the judiciary, it also covers the alternative mechanisms adopted by companies, such as negotiation, mediation and conciliation in the ombudsmen and on the platform Consumidor.gov. Simone Sanches Freira, supervisory director of the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS), pointed out that the ombudsmen have become strategic. “The health plan operators have matured a lot in recent years. The Ombudsman’s Office has served as an improved management mechanism and has helped us do an increasingly better job,” pointed out the regulator.

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